2011-01-30 01:46:44
EhilĂ !!
I'm here just to informate you about the tournament(s) that Kill Campers want to prepare...
By now we are preparing our first killbox tournament.
We have talked with a lot of people (our servers habitual players) 'bout this and it seems that we will have a good participation...over 30 persons said that they could participe (the real number will be minor, always happen xD)...but i thinked: why not do it bigger?
Then i'm here for these players that doesn't know our (awesome) servers
, post ur interest about participation (we offer a steam store game, choosed by the winner, to motivate people xD).
And the most imporntant, post ideas for the tournament, there are not so much things decided...the map (killbox_kbh2) and beh...
We don't know if it will be 1on1 or grups of 4 all vs all, gravity 800, 600 or 400, etc etc etc...
Yeah we wanna start it all on 30th february... more or less
Hmmm!! you can contact me here
ooooor by our steamgroup here
I'm here just to informate you about the tournament(s) that Kill Campers want to prepare...
By now we are preparing our first killbox tournament.
We have talked with a lot of people (our servers habitual players) 'bout this and it seems that we will have a good participation...over 30 persons said that they could participe (the real number will be minor, always happen xD)...but i thinked: why not do it bigger?
Then i'm here for these players that doesn't know our (awesome) servers

And the most imporntant, post ideas for the tournament, there are not so much things decided...the map (killbox_kbh2) and beh...
We don't know if it will be 1on1 or grups of 4 all vs all, gravity 800, 600 or 400, etc etc etc...
Yeah we wanna start it all on 30th february... more or less
Hmmm!! you can contact me here
ooooor by our steamgroup here