help with ventrilo


2008-05-17 23:54:57

I set up a vent server and found out that its was not 50 slot and my leader said it was was so. We could only get 8 players in to the vent. we tired to change it but i don't think we have the comments right.
can anyone help me with the amount of slots i can make for vent.


2008-05-18 00:27:45

Well, unless you have a commercial license for at least 1000 slots so you can use Ventrilo pro, you have to settle with the regular server which has a limit of 8 slots hard coded into it along with the port number.

I've been looking into Mumble and its server Murmur, but it seems you have to compile the server yourself - something I don't feel like doing since it involves a lot of work when you like me aren't a programmer.


2008-05-18 02:23:18

OMG well i guess we will use ts instead