X264 upgraded soon?


2008-06-29 01:39:21

Ok so i never tought such a weird situation would happen to me, here it goes.

So my gf takes a student language program in english immersion in toronto for a month, i go see her there.

There i meet a bunch of people, in that bunch there's a dude from europe. Then we talk about what we do respectively and he introduced himself as a "codec designer"

I'm like no shit m8, i did some exports bla bla, i think x264 is great stuff.

He looks at me with a smile and he's like, damn i never tought someone that would know about codecs here! and then he keeps talking to me about very technical stuff that i totally couldn't understand but i didn't made it look that confusing so he'd keep talking so i could learn a bit more XD

And then he mentions that he found a way to improve x264 through G264 (or H264?) and it's actually patent pending.

The guy basically improved the codec in some way and as soon he has the patent he'll release it /sell it / whatever-it

I tought the idea might interest some of yall, check it out!


2008-06-29 05:06:52

what.??@!?!?! i thought you were coming to the T.Dot in mid july.



2008-06-29 20:50:01

wow great ! that codec is really good, I can't wait to work with a better version :D
Nice stuff .con !


2008-06-29 23:25:17

x264 is so amazing that the only way I see it becoming better is by making an even smaller impact on cpu usage. Or if made it into a standard supported by hardware (which is basically the same thing).