2009-04-06 19:51:59
http://www.samsung.com/us/consumer/deta ... 2TWHSUV/ZA
or this
http://uk.lge.com/products/model/detail ... 261v.jhtml
is it worth the cash?
2009-04-06 19:51:59
2009-04-06 21:16:39
2009-04-06 23:14:12
2009-04-07 13:27:34
2009-04-07 15:22:22
2009-04-07 17:07:28
2009-04-07 21:40:46
2009-04-07 23:27:14
2009-04-08 05:10:09
2009-04-08 05:59:42
2009-04-08 06:14:24
2009-04-08 07:39:29
While that is a good monitor, I'd take my sony fw-900 24' crt over that anyday. Widescreen 24" 1280x800 @ 140hz ftwDeathwish wrote:The best monitor ever made, the Sony Trinitron CPDG520 21" CRT.
2009-04-08 12:21:18
2009-04-08 17:42:07
2009-04-09 18:00:35
2009-04-17 07:24:52
Heres an idea, 60hz + 300fps, your eye can only see 60 fps, 150hz + 300 fps, your eye can see 150fps, it is much more smoother especially when turning etc.SND wrote: As for the refresh rate I really don't think having a high frequency will make at all the difference as long as the monitor is no less than what your eye can see. I Don't think you will see much LCD screens with more than 60hz even though it is possible to achieve its just that there is little or no benefit from it and costumers couldn't care less only reason why its not a issue compared to crt is that it uses analogue signal and you needed the ability to change the frequency to work smoothly with your system. Where as latest LCD monitors work in digital where refresh rate has not much of a effect on how it performs (you should use the dvi connection btw for the best picture).
The Argumentalizer
2009-04-17 09:48:39
2009-04-17 16:54:14
The human eye can not see 150fps that's my point why would a designer engineer make a LCD monitor that refresh more times than the eye can see it really would seem those extra refreshes become redundant being that you can not benefit from it, a complete waste money for manufacture process stand point but hey if peeps are willing to pay stupid money for it why not make and sell it.Deathwish wrote:Heres an idea, 60hz + 300fps, your eye can only see 60 fps, 150hz + 300 fps, your eye can see 150fps, it is much more smoother especially when turning etc.SND wrote: As for the refresh rate I really don't think having a high frequency will make at all the difference as long as the monitor is no less than what your eye can see. I Don't think you will see much LCD screens with more than 60hz even though it is possible to achieve its just that there is little or no benefit from it and costumers couldn't care less only reason why its not a issue compared to crt is that it uses analogue signal and you needed the ability to change the frequency to work smoothly with your system. Where as latest LCD monitors work in digital where refresh rate has not much of a effect on how it performs (you should use the dvi connection btw for the best picture).
2009-04-17 19:14:03
All I can say about this is LMFAO and you have obviously never seen what the night and day difference looks like between the two. The fact you stated about lCD not refreshing every pixel everytime is in fact one of their biggest downfalls when it comes to gaming.The Argumentalizer wrote:Dont listen to REFRESH FREAKS!
They dont know what the fuck they are talking about.
LCDs do NOT refresh the entire screen like CRTS
They do not even refresh every pixel every time.
Those folks are BS!
The Argumentalizer
2009-04-17 23:13:58
2009-04-17 23:23:59
The Argumentalizer
2009-04-18 08:01:39
2009-04-18 09:26:29
This phrase would be key and most likely explains your opinion on the matter.The Argumentalizer wrote:. I am still going to endorse this Gateway. Its the nicest thing i have ever seen
2009-04-18 17:45:16
2009-04-18 17:48:14
2009-04-18 20:23:47
It's complete bs and a common internet myth..keefy wrote:I do not understand this "the eye can only see x FPS" what happens to the FPS over x do they just vanish?
The eye sees what it sees.
2009-04-19 00:08:26
The Resident
2009-04-19 03:49:13
2009-04-19 03:58:13
http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frames_c ... ns_see.htmL2k wrote:It's complete bs and a common internet myth..keefy wrote:I do not understand this "the eye can only see x FPS" what happens to the FPS over x do they just vanish?
The eye sees what it sees.
2009-04-19 05:13:53
Jelly Fox
2009-04-19 05:44:06
2009-04-19 09:54:40
2009-04-19 12:20:59
2009-04-21 00:18:50
Jelly Fox
2009-04-21 02:45:30
What did A Seagull use?Ko-Tao wrote:Fun Fact: 3 out of 4 CAL 1v1 Champions used a CRT!
2009-04-21 04:15:17
Discarded feathersJelly Fox wrote:What did A Seagull use?Ko-Tao wrote:Fun Fact: 3 out of 4 CAL 1v1 Champions used a CRT!
2009-04-21 06:11:05
CRTJelly Fox wrote:What did A Seagull use?Ko-Tao wrote:Fun Fact: 3 out of 4 CAL 1v1 Champions used a CRT!
The Argumentalizer
2009-04-21 10:47:45
Your eyes don't view frames. They work continuously.Jelly Fox wrote:my eyes see 10,000,000 fps... don't believe me? prove me wrong!
2009-04-21 11:45:15
found it for 2 bills on craigslist.L2k wrote:While that is a good monitor, I'd take my sony fw-900 24' crt over that anyday. Widescreen 24" 1280x800 @ 140hz ftwDeathwish wrote:The best monitor ever made, the Sony Trinitron CPDG520 21" CRT.![]()
These 7 year old crt's still sell used for 500.00 + on ebay all the time, they cost 2000.00 new when they were made and are truly considered the "best" crt monitor ever made.
2009-04-21 16:46:14
Jelly Fox
2009-04-21 18:13:55
They're my eyes, I'll decide what they do and don'tThe Argumentalizer wrote:Your eyes don't view frames. They work continuously.Jelly Fox wrote:my eyes see 10,000,000 fps... don't believe me? prove me wrong!
2009-04-21 21:16:01
Well, actually, since you're the one making the claim I believe the proof of burden lies with youJelly Fox wrote:They're my eyes, I'll decide what they do and don'tThe Argumentalizer wrote:Your eyes don't view frames. They work continuously.Jelly Fox wrote:my eyes see 10,000,000 fps... don't believe me? prove me wrong!
2009-04-22 00:14:59
2009-04-22 12:58:05
The Resident
2009-04-23 03:54:14
I think the fact that people typically sit so much closer to their computer monitors than their TVs explains it. Peoples' peripheral vision is far more sensitive to motion than the area surrounding their direct line of sight. If you sit close enough to your TV that the image starts intruding into your peripheral vision, 30 Hz doesn't seem quite so smooth anymore.SND wrote:I don't know im still not convinced even tho it can't be proven but my head telling me there got to be a limit to how many fps you need displaced to get a smooth moving image for you mind to track. Like in web design in flash we are told that 24-30 fps is all you need for a smooth animation heck most console games render at that level and they look damn smooth and yes I know a pc renders out at 30 it looks laggy.
The big CRT advantage is 0 input lag. Most LCDs have bad lag, where all CRTs have none. Good response times aren't really useful if the whole display is several frames behind the video signal.SND wrote:You can be good on a lcd I know a allot a good players that use them im just not totally convinced CRT holds that much of a advantage over LCD.
2009-04-23 10:20:46
Well I must be a super human being then because I can tell the difference, my eyes are apparently far superior than anyone elses along with those others who use CRT's that can support very high refresh rates like fatal1ty etc.SND wrote:The human eye can not see 150fps that's my point why would a designer engineer make a LCD monitor that refresh more times than the eye can see it really would seem those extra refreshes become redundant being that you can not benefit from it, a complete waste money for manufacture process stand point but hey if peeps are willing to pay stupid money for it why not make and sell it.Deathwish wrote:Heres an idea, 60hz + 300fps, your eye can only see 60 fps, 150hz + 300 fps, your eye can see 150fps, it is much more smoother especially when turning etc.SND wrote: As for the refresh rate I really don't think having a high frequency will make at all the difference as long as the monitor is no less than what your eye can see. I Don't think you will see much LCD screens with more than 60hz even though it is possible to achieve its just that there is little or no benefit from it and costumers couldn't care less only reason why its not a issue compared to crt is that it uses analogue signal and you needed the ability to change the frequency to work smoothly with your system. Where as latest LCD monitors work in digital where refresh rate has not much of a effect on how it performs (you should use the dvi connection btw for the best picture).
2009-04-23 10:43:53
Depends on what you mean by "bad lag", but most TN panels (that's most cheaper LCD's) aren't that bad. My Samsung T220 lies about 10-15 ms behind and I believe this is a pretty common value for modern TN-panels.The Resident wrote:The big CRT advantage is 0 input lag. Most LCDs have bad lag, where all CRTs have none. Good response times aren't really useful if the whole display is several frames behind the video signal
2009-04-23 12:08:18
2009-04-23 16:02:08
2009-04-23 17:31:20
Yeah, the 2233rz is the one I mentioned in a previous post. Would get it if it wasn't for a bunch of other things I'm planning on getting first.SND wrote:On 120hz I say they still tinkering with it most manufactures that have made them have not got it working perfectly but http://reviews.cnet.com/lcd-monitors/sa ... =mncol;txt this seem very good 120hz monitor to get if you had the cash.