2009-04-21 12:55:17
my steelseries 5h v2 headset stopped working, i can't get any sound off it. shit my ipod earphones have lasted me longer than about 300 dollars worth of headsets that I've owned. 

2009-04-21 12:55:17
2009-04-21 16:16:13
2009-04-21 20:01:06
just make sure it REALLY the headset that is the issue. that's happened to me before and it wasnt the headset that was the issue.Blasphemy wrote:my steelseries 5h v2 headset stopped working, i can't get any sound off it. shit my ipod earphones have lasted me longer than about 300 dollars worth of headsets that I've owned.
[EYE] Valar
2009-04-22 05:51:15
Then what can be the issue if it's not the headset that is the issue because that happened to you before and it wasn't the headset that was the issue?{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:just make sure it REALLY the headset that is the issue. that's happened to me before and it wasnt the headset that was the issue.Blasphemy wrote:my steelseries 5h v2 headset stopped working, i can't get any sound off it. shit my ipod earphones have lasted me longer than about 300 dollars worth of headsets that I've owned.
2009-04-22 07:22:16
2009-04-22 08:08:58
2009-04-22 18:49:46
2009-04-22 20:17:45
exactly. sometimes if you update drivers for something, mobo, sound card etc the sound settings for windows can get reset. i not saying its not the headset, just saying he should plug them into another pc and see if they work.L2k wrote:it can be a number of issues like the on board sound dieing, a sound card dieing, or it could be something as obscure as a auto sensing audio port freaking out and not sensing a headphone set being plugged in.
2009-04-23 07:26:31
2009-04-26 21:20:59
i told you all he would come crawling back.Zman42 wrote:shit i have the exact same one, i hope this doesnt happen to moi D: try updating your drivers etc blas?
btw i thought you were qui tting ....
2009-04-27 13:40:00
2009-05-08 11:10:33
My pair broke too, paid a shitload for them. Got them repaired once but now they really fell into pieces.Blasphemy wrote:Just because i posted about my headset doesn't mean i am playing again i just find it annoying as fuck that they broke. I figured it was the wires every time i moved them around i could make them switch sound from one ear to the other, then i got pissed and tore all the wires and threw that shit away.
Edit: i am playing in that 2v2 cup though just cause vals asked me, but the only time you are going to see me in game is to play those matches.
2009-05-08 23:57:13
2009-05-09 09:20:03
not necessarily true a lot of ppl have anger issues and are pretty rough on there accessories I treat everything of mine with kid gloves for the most part unless it is a headset but I've only ever had cheapies so its not that bigga deal when I through them away from me in a hurry to take care of something In The Real World some ppl are extremely harsh on there equipment. I need a new mouse myself ive only used 2 in the last 12 years but seagull burns through them like every month or 2 i thinkkeefy wrote:Seriously, how does a headset fall to pieces? All you do is:
put on head, take off head and repeat.
They must have been proper shit to fall to pieces.
The Argumentalizer
2009-05-09 09:55:28