2010-06-03 10:16:31
As everyone knows by now I (along with Holy) am working on creating a comprehensive league management website (think CAL) and would like input from those who have more experience using such things. I used CAL as a regular player for several seasons and while it was functional it never was that impressive to me. I have no experience with what all the admins could do and what happened on the backed but can guess at most/some of the things that go into it.
Regular front end user experience:
View available leagues
View league details (including individuals/teams in league, current standings, upcoming matches, etc)
View team details (including players, record, upcoming matches, etc)
View player details (including teams they are members of, record, upcoming matches, etc)
View match details
Create account for playing in leagues
Create team for playing in team based leagues
Join a league as a player (for 1v1 leagues)
Join a team as a player (for team based leagues)
Enter matchcomm message
Post the results of a match (team or individual, w/ screen shots and demos)
Private message between players
Team captains should be able to administer team (remove players, edit team details, etc)
League admin front end experience:
Create a new league for a game (open and invite) (what data went into a league creation? League Name, Description, Rules... what else)
Add/Remove individuals/teams to/from a league
Add/Remove individuals to/from a team
Delete a team or individual
Ban/Suspend an individual
Schedule matches (was this automated in CAL, as in "schedule week 2" and it randomly/algorithmically generated matches or did someone have manually enter all matches)
Reschedule matches or manually replace one individual/team from a match
Pretty much anything a regular front end user could do but for all teams and individuals
I know that I am likely forgetting things that will become more apparent as I work on the site.
What features did CAL have for regular users that I am currently forgetting?
What features did CAL have for admin users that I do not know about?
What features would you have like to have seen in CAL (regular user or admin user) that were not there?
Also, a walk through on the process of creating a league (what data went into it and such) as well as the process of setting up the matches (and what data went into that) would be helpful.
Any help, thoughts, or insight anyone (and especially those with experience in managing leagues) can give me are much appreciated.
Regular front end user experience:
View available leagues
View league details (including individuals/teams in league, current standings, upcoming matches, etc)
View team details (including players, record, upcoming matches, etc)
View player details (including teams they are members of, record, upcoming matches, etc)
View match details
Create account for playing in leagues
Create team for playing in team based leagues
Join a league as a player (for 1v1 leagues)
Join a team as a player (for team based leagues)
Enter matchcomm message
Post the results of a match (team or individual, w/ screen shots and demos)
Private message between players
Team captains should be able to administer team (remove players, edit team details, etc)
League admin front end experience:
Create a new league for a game (open and invite) (what data went into a league creation? League Name, Description, Rules... what else)
Add/Remove individuals/teams to/from a league
Add/Remove individuals to/from a team
Delete a team or individual
Ban/Suspend an individual
Schedule matches (was this automated in CAL, as in "schedule week 2" and it randomly/algorithmically generated matches or did someone have manually enter all matches)
Reschedule matches or manually replace one individual/team from a match
Pretty much anything a regular front end user could do but for all teams and individuals
I know that I am likely forgetting things that will become more apparent as I work on the site.
What features did CAL have for regular users that I am currently forgetting?
What features did CAL have for admin users that I do not know about?
What features would you have like to have seen in CAL (regular user or admin user) that were not there?
Also, a walk through on the process of creating a league (what data went into it and such) as well as the process of setting up the matches (and what data went into that) would be helpful.
Any help, thoughts, or insight anyone (and especially those with experience in managing leagues) can give me are much appreciated.